Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tues 8.28.12

Welcome Brian to the Strength Club!




Set Up

  • Disclaimer: the set up used here is not ideal nor is it glamorous, but it works :) 
  • Take a thinner band and place it length wise over the center of a barbell - make sure that the band creates a long oval over the bar and touches the ground on the sides
  • The crew here used a 10lb bumper plate to stand on in order to have a more solid platform - so place the plate on top of the bands where you would stand with the bands running up over bar


  • Stance, grip, positioning and movement is the same as the conventional deadlift 
  • Stay back in the heels throughout the entire movement to ensure that the band does not pull you forward


  • The band resisted deadlift is an excellent exercise for working the lockout of the deadlift - the portion where the bar is above your knees until you stand it up
  • Since there is a band on the bar, it is even more important that you bar path be straight and that you keep it close to your body - if not, it will pull you forward onto your toes
  • Be aggressive with your butt squeeze at the top - the lockout will be even more difficult due to resistance 


Band Resisted DL - 5x5 


10 unresisted DLs @ the weight of the top set of 5 


GPP: Tire Drags

10min Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM)
50m tire drag
(Rest the remainder of the minute)


 Started out like this...
 Then combined our efforts! Haha
Mitch killin it solo.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tues 8.21.12


(Purple thin bands pictured above)

Set Up

  • Stance and position is the same as normal backsquat 
  • Wrap bands of desired resistance around the bottom of the squat rack about 1 foot away from the rack 
  • Bands can either be placed inside of the weights closer to the lifter or outside of the weights as plate security


  • Descend into a squat normally - initiating the movement with your butt back, weight in heels, chest upright, knees out
  • Resistance is greatest at top, reduces to zero resistance below parallel, and regains once you squat upwards above parallel
  • In order to continue the drive on the way up, continue pushing your knees out 


  • The band resisted squat is a speed training tool - in order to complete these squats effectively, the lift's speed will need to be continuous and explosive, especially once the bands start reaching maximal tension (at the top)
  • This squat helps strengthen the sticky spot many lifters reach above parallel - the inner part of your quad and the center of your quad (vastus medialis and rectus femoris respectively) will be greatly engaged during this lift, due to the necessity to drive the knees out
  • Keeping your chest up will be even more essential during this lift since there is a band physically pulling the bar down - any deviation forward will pull you forward 
  • Safety: since there is a band physically attached to the bar, always use a spotter for this lift since dumping the bar is unsafe with a rubber band attached - there is a potential the bar could bounce and hit the lifter


10 mins - Front Squat Single

Purpose here is to overload a position in which you must have a vertical chest angle to prepare the midline for band resisted squats. Take 10 minutes to hit a heavy single and then rock.

4x3 Band Resisted Squat 


GPP: Weight Vest Medley

5 Rounds
10 Plyo Pushups (onto and off a 45lb plate)
10 KB Swings (2pood)
50m Sprint

*All completed with ~20-25lb weight vest


Front Squat Pictures

 Josue PRs by 30lbs! D matches his previous PR! Keep driving those elbows up!


Band Resisted Squat Pictures

 Notice Reggie's vertical shin angle with butt back - a more hamstring and glute dominated squat.
Notice Josue's shin angle with his knees slightly over his toes - a much more quad domianant lift. Not necessarily wrong but different in mechanics from Reggie's. This type of squat more closely relates to an Olympic lifting position in which it is advantageous to keep your hips beneath you rather than back and out.  

Weight Vest Workout


Monday, August 20, 2012

Thurs 8.16.12

Find 1 RM Shoulder Press


4x3 @ 80% of 1RM


5x3 Push Press 


Picture 1: Reggie's epic 10 second lockout of his new 1RM @ 130
Picture 2: Dheeraj making triples of push press look like cake
Picture 3: Mitch's new shoulder press @ 145 - a 20+ lb PR!

GPP: Atlas Stone Bonanza

10 Stone to Shoulder
50m Stone Carry (to fence)
10 Stone to Shoulder
50m Stone Carry (to start)
75 Double Unders

Repeat 5 Rounds

Reg went ape shit with almost all DUs unbroken.

Mitch and D turning it up on the last round. Great job, fellas!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tues 8.14.12



  • Set up is the same stance and positioning as your regular back squat
  • Initiate by sending your hips back and down, weight in heels, chest up, knees out
  • At the bottom of your squat below parallel, pause for a 3 second count - spotter will note when the squatter comes to a complete stop at the bottom of the squat, count 1-2-3-squat, and the squatter will stand up


  • This is a positioning drill that can help strengthen the bottom position of the squat - since positions are important, make sure to take the weight down to something that is manageable for your chest to stay vertical and your weight to stay on your heels with you on tension 
  • This drill is also a lot more time under the bar, so make sure to take a deep breath at the top and retract your shoulders to make sure your chest does not cave
  • When done properly, it can greatly help improve and strengthen the bottom position of the squat

Class Work

Find 1RM Backsquat 

Pause Squat 5x3 (3 second pause)


GPP: Posterior Chain Blowout

10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Weighted Hip Extensions (35/25)
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 5 rounds

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thurs 8.9.12


5 Rounds for Time 
Max Reps Bench Press @ BW (scaled to 75% BW)
Max Reps Pull Ups

*Go right into pull up after bench press
*Rest 3-5 mins between rounds

GPP: Team Circut

Prowler (6 plates)
Farmers Walk (2 pood)
Lunge Walk

*Prowler is the timer. As soon as prowler person can no longer push, rotate.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tues 8.7.12


 (Picture 1 displays the starting position, whereas picture 2 displays initial lift off ground)

Set Up

  • Feet: anywhere wider than shoulder width, stances vary between wide and ultra-wide, find a foot position that is comfortable with 
  • Grip: inside the legs between your knees


  • Similar to the initial stance of a conventional deadlift - chest up, butt high to feel hamstrings, with knees driven out
  • Drive through the heels to initiate the movement on the way up
  • Once you pass your knees, open up at the hip
  • Initiate the way down by setting your butt back - once the bar reaches your knees, bend them


  • Vertical chest position - ensures that you maintain a tight lumbar while keeping your hips underneath you rather than having your butt shoot back and outwards - if this happens, it places much  more pressure on your lower back and the tendency to round becomes greater
  • Jam the knees out - knees caving in is a safety hazard as well as an efficiency one, you will need those knees out to keep the outer part of your butt (gluteus medius) engaged. 

Class Work

Sumo deadlift 3s

GPP: Part 1 Axle

2 Rounds:
Overhead Axle Lunge Walk @ 75
10 alternating steps

GPP: Part 2 Tire Flips

2min AMRAP Tire Flips
[Rest 1 minute]
4 Rounds


(Love the gangsta face, Mitch)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thurs 8.2.12


Set Up

  • Grab a box that makes lifter go to parallel or slightly below parallel 
  • Place feet on sides of box slightly wider than shoulder width (man pictured is ultra-wide)


  • Initiate the movement by pulling your butt back - HEELS throughout the entire movement
  • Continue reaching back and down - shin angle should be vertical and hamstrings elongated
  • Touch top of the box
  • Rock back slightly while staying engaged with the hamstrings and lower back - slight disengage in hip flexors
  • Initiate movement upwards by driving through heels and knees out


  • Should feel an intense burning sensation in inner thighs, butt, and hamstrings
  • This movement is a deadlift assistance exercise, so your backside should be lit up, not your quads!
  • Excellent for posterior chain development


Set Up

  • Lock into GHD machine with knees towards the back of the major pad (there may be a smaller pad at the bottom of certain GHD machines)


  • Elongate your body - like a plank: chest up, erectors tight
  • Lean forward over the GHD with chest up and extremely rigid
  • Reach parallel or slightly above it & use hamstrings and butt to bring yourself back to a vertical position
  • Go slowly as to be safe on the hamstrings and to control the movement
  • Can be bodyweight or weighted by holding a plate in front of body


  • Glute and hamstring bonanza
  • Going far below parallel engages glutes more, parallel and above more hamstring

Class Work

Box Squat 5s

GHR 10s


GPP: Part 1 Sled

400m sled walk w. 75% BW

Rest 90 seconds

GPP: Part 2 Shuttle Runs

5 shuttle runs w. 20 second rest

Tues 7.31.12


  • Come in with a focused mindset
  • Spotter always watches lifter - communicate
  • Anyone can lift with any group of people regardless of max weights - we welcome all
  • Lifter does not load/rack his own weights
  • Get PUMPED & cheer each other on



 Set Up

  • Grip variations: close grip, slightly outside of shoulders, wide grip (all grips have value and used at different times)
  • Feet: planted with heels on ground
  • Knees: driven out so you can squeeze your butt 
  • Bar contact point: mid-ribs right below pecs (xyphoid process if you want to nerd out) 
  • Shoulders: pulled back/retracted & pushed down/depressed --> tightens the upper back


  • 1-2-3 count and lifter/spot take bar off rack, settle weight above you & deep breath in
  • Break the bar in half as you bring it down towards your chest
  • Elbows tucked in like a pushup! Squeeze the back of your armpit (engages the lat)
  • Steady contact on the chest
  • For the press upwards, initiate with leg drive: drive through heels and squeeze butt --> lockout the bar
  • Elbows tucked in at all times! Butt is tense and heels planted throughout the lift



  • Same mechanics as regular bench, except with a 3 second pause at chest
  • Spotter's job to count "1-2-3-Press" when the bar touches the lifter's chest
  • Spotter will start the count once the bar is steadied on lifter's chest and lifter will press only at the "press" call
  • Take a deep breath at the top before each rep since you are on tension longer 


Class Work


Bench 5s

Pause Bench 3x3 (3 second pause)

Prowler Sprints

Focus was explosive power with the prowler right (4 plates) into a quick sprint to the fence - quick turnover with the feet

Death by Axle Grip Deadlifts


Hello Strength Club members!

Here is a blog for you to post all of your loads, times, and notes about everything that we do in our sessions. I'll put form review of the movements we covered during class so you can reference it here, as well as basic summaries of what we did for the day.

Shoot me an email if you guys have any ideas or just write them here!
