Tues 11.12
Close Grip Bench Press - 3x5, 3x3
Clean Deadlift (3 sec pause @ knee) - 5x1
5 Rounds
10 Bench Press (135/95)
250m Row
Rest 90 Seconds
Thurs 11.14
Front Squat 1 RM Testing
**Here are the results. First # is pre-squat program, second is from Thursday's testing. All in lbs.
Sayor: 165 -- 265
Steve: 185 -- 285
Ash: 175 -- 245 -- 290 backsquat (with 9 weeks of program)
Tyson: 115 -- 175 (with 10 weeks of program)
Reggie: 270 -- 300 backsquat
Great job, guys!! We had two 100lb PRs and many others who have broken through plateaus!
Partner Barbell & Static Holds
60 Hang Power Cleans
Partner Holds Handstand
40 Shoulder to Overhead
Partner Holds Plank
20 Power Snatches
Partner Holds Hollow Rock
**Each person completes the designated # of repetitions. Partners can only perform reps while their other partner is holding the static position. You may switch back and forth and break up the sets, but you cannot move onto the next couplet until both partners have each finished total # of reps.
Friends help friends tighten weight belts ;)