Friday, April 12, 2013

Thurs 4.11


Tabata Slam Balls


Strict Press 7, 7, 5, 5, 3

Push Press 10, 10, 8, 8, 5


5 Rounds for MAX Reps

15 Seconds: DB Thrusters (45/35)

45 Sec Rest

15 Seconds: Weighted/Strict Pull Ups

45 Sec Rest

15 Seconds: Burpees

**Hit the first set hard and aim to sustain those numbers across all sets

1 comment:

  1. Strict Press -115/115/120/DNF/125
    Push Press - 115/95/105/115/135
    For Five Rounds (45# DB)
    Thrusters - 6/7/7/7/7 (34)
    Pullups (Strict) - 6/8/8/8/6 (36)
    Burpees - 8/8/9/8/8 (41)
    Total Score - 111
