Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 5

Tues 9.17 

Back Squat 10x3 @ 87% 


10min EMOM
3-5 Strict C2B Pull Ups
+  5 KB Floor Presses (each hand)
**Performed in the same minute

5min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups (any style)
5-8 Push Ups
**Push up rep # to be accomplished in one set

3min AMRAP
Thrusters (45/33) 

Thurs 9.19 

Front Squat 10x3 @ 92% 


Death by Double KB Swings

**Minute 1, perform 1 double KB swing. Minute 2, perform 2. Minute 3, then 3...
**Rest decreases and work increases
**You are terminated when you cannot perform the designated # of KB swings in the minute

Rest 5 Minutes

10x 50m Sled Sprint

Burgener Squat Week 4

Tues 8.10 

Back Squat 10x3 @ 84% 


Prowler Trios:

400m - 1-2 plates (whole team)
3x75m - 2-3 plates (one person working at a time, each do 3 sets, recover while partners go)
4x10m UPHILL - 3-4 plates (whole team) 

Thurs 8.12 

Front Squat 10x3 @ 89% 


100 Squats
5 Muscle Ups
75 Squats
10 MUs
50 Squats
15 MUs
25 Squats
20 MUs