Friday, August 10, 2012

Thurs 8.9.12


5 Rounds for Time 
Max Reps Bench Press @ BW (scaled to 75% BW)
Max Reps Pull Ups

*Go right into pull up after bench press
*Rest 3-5 mins between rounds

GPP: Team Circut

Prowler (6 plates)
Farmers Walk (2 pood)
Lunge Walk

*Prowler is the timer. As soon as prowler person can no longer push, rotate.


  1. At 160#
    1 - 14+1 / 26
    2 - 8+1 / 20
    3 - 6+1 / 16
    4 - 6+1 / 21
    5 - 6+1 / 26. (PR! For pullups)
    +1 = last rep assisted

    Team Circuit
    Completed with Mitch/D

  2. Lynne 145# bench max reps / max pull ups
    1: 10-15
    2: 10-15
    3: 5-11
    4: 7-10
    5: 7-12
