Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tues 8.21.12


(Purple thin bands pictured above)

Set Up

  • Stance and position is the same as normal backsquat 
  • Wrap bands of desired resistance around the bottom of the squat rack about 1 foot away from the rack 
  • Bands can either be placed inside of the weights closer to the lifter or outside of the weights as plate security


  • Descend into a squat normally - initiating the movement with your butt back, weight in heels, chest upright, knees out
  • Resistance is greatest at top, reduces to zero resistance below parallel, and regains once you squat upwards above parallel
  • In order to continue the drive on the way up, continue pushing your knees out 


  • The band resisted squat is a speed training tool - in order to complete these squats effectively, the lift's speed will need to be continuous and explosive, especially once the bands start reaching maximal tension (at the top)
  • This squat helps strengthen the sticky spot many lifters reach above parallel - the inner part of your quad and the center of your quad (vastus medialis and rectus femoris respectively) will be greatly engaged during this lift, due to the necessity to drive the knees out
  • Keeping your chest up will be even more essential during this lift since there is a band physically pulling the bar down - any deviation forward will pull you forward 
  • Safety: since there is a band physically attached to the bar, always use a spotter for this lift since dumping the bar is unsafe with a rubber band attached - there is a potential the bar could bounce and hit the lifter


10 mins - Front Squat Single

Purpose here is to overload a position in which you must have a vertical chest angle to prepare the midline for band resisted squats. Take 10 minutes to hit a heavy single and then rock.

4x3 Band Resisted Squat 


GPP: Weight Vest Medley

5 Rounds
10 Plyo Pushups (onto and off a 45lb plate)
10 KB Swings (2pood)
50m Sprint

*All completed with ~20-25lb weight vest


Front Squat Pictures

 Josue PRs by 30lbs! D matches his previous PR! Keep driving those elbows up!


Band Resisted Squat Pictures

 Notice Reggie's vertical shin angle with butt back - a more hamstring and glute dominated squat.
Notice Josue's shin angle with his knees slightly over his toes - a much more quad domianant lift. Not necessarily wrong but different in mechanics from Reggie's. This type of squat more closely relates to an Olympic lifting position in which it is advantageous to keep your hips beneath you rather than back and out.  

Weight Vest Workout



  1. FS 1RM: 265lb

    4x3 Band resisted squat: 205, 215, 225, 245

    GPP WOD: 7:59. Reg beat me by half a step. Can't let that happen again. :)

    1. Great first day, Josue! Keep Reggie on his toes. It's the team's duty!

  2. Good Job on the PR Josue! I'll make sure its a full step next time!

    Front Squat Single - 205#, 215# (failed right above parallel, drive knees out next time!)
    4x3 Band Resisted Squats - 185#, 185#, 195#, 205# (knees out on the way up!)
    Done in 7m59s
