Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tues 11.20.12



Bench Press




  • Will be run as a mock meet - lifters warm up and have 3 attempts at each lift
  • Highest completed lift will count towards total score.
  • Following USAPL guidelines regarding depth, bar path, rack calls, etc. 




(Excuse the "drop" call which was meant to be "down")

(Camera shy haha)

**Congrats on all of your PRs guys! Post totals to comments

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thurs 11.15.12

Muscle Clean 1RM



3 Muscle Cleans Every 30 Sec

(@ 70-75% of 1RM)


Clean Pull

4x5 @ 85%




3 Rounds

100m Sprint

3 Thrusters @ BW

Rest 3 mins

Tues 11.13.12

Warm Up

300m Team Yoke Walk


"The Bear Complex"

5 Rounds:


1 Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Push Press

1 Back Squat

1 Push Press 

** 7 times through complex is 1 round. Increase weight with rounds. Squat clean into a thruster is permissible.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thurs 11.8.12

15min EMOM

3 Push Press (min 1-5)

3 Push Jerk (min 6-10)

3 Split Jerk (min 11-15)

**Work with same weight across all sets



Dumbbell Bench - 5x10 



Find Max Log Clean & Press


100 Pull Ups for Time

Tues 11.6.12

10min EMOM

5 Front Squats @ HEAVY

- Partner 1 goes on min
- Partner 2 goes on 30 sec
- Increase weight with rounds
- Take no more than 20sec/set

Yoke Walk

2x 100m

4x 50m

*Increase weight as you progress

Yoke Videos: Theo & Alex



5x 200m Partner Row Sprints

**Aim for split time 1:20s-1:30s


Friday, November 2, 2012

Thurs 11.1.12

Mitch's Birthday Workout

Heavy Hang Clean Single


5 Rounds

3 Hang Cleans (@ 85% of 1RM)

Max Weighted Ring Dips

Rest 2 minutes

Almost there, Mitch! Keep jamming those knees out! Keep the bar closer to your body during the clean by pulling in with the lats (squeeze your armpits). This way, when you extend upwards, the bar is closer to your center.

Nice lift! I like the aggression and energy! Slightly bent arms on the way down to mid thigh and a bit of an early arm pull on the way up. This early arm pull caused you to jump forward in the catch.

So close! Nice positioning throughout the entire pull. You caught the bar above parallel. If you could have driven the knees out a bit in the front squat it would have helped since they caved in a bit after the initial catch.We talked about your extremely "knees out" catch position. Not necessarily a bad thing, but may make it harder to stand up if your feet are super toed out. Maybe play around with some front squats in this position. If you normally front squat narrower and more toed in, try them next time in different positions that may transfer over to your clean a bit more.