Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tues 8.14.12



  • Set up is the same stance and positioning as your regular back squat
  • Initiate by sending your hips back and down, weight in heels, chest up, knees out
  • At the bottom of your squat below parallel, pause for a 3 second count - spotter will note when the squatter comes to a complete stop at the bottom of the squat, count 1-2-3-squat, and the squatter will stand up


  • This is a positioning drill that can help strengthen the bottom position of the squat - since positions are important, make sure to take the weight down to something that is manageable for your chest to stay vertical and your weight to stay on your heels with you on tension 
  • This drill is also a lot more time under the bar, so make sure to take a deep breath at the top and retract your shoulders to make sure your chest does not cave
  • When done properly, it can greatly help improve and strengthen the bottom position of the squat

Class Work

Find 1RM Backsquat 

Pause Squat 5x3 (3 second pause)


GPP: Posterior Chain Blowout

10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Weighted Hip Extensions (35/25)
Rest 90 seconds
Repeat 5 rounds


  1. 1RM Back Squat - 245 (5-10% Assisted)
    5x3 Pause Back Squat - 135/155/165/165/165
    GPP - 10m 35s (185# DL / 35# for Hip Extensions)

  2. 1RM Back Squat 230
    5x3 Pause Back Squat 135/145/155/165/170
    GPP - 13:00 (estimated) 185# DL (for 3 rounds, 4th round 135#) / 35# plate for Hip ext (first 3 rounds, 4th round unweighted). NOTE: Completed 4 rounds only
