Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thurs 10.25.12
Zots Press - 5x4
5 Sets of:
5 Pendlay Row
1 Hang Clean High Pull
1 Clean High Pull
1 Power Clean
*Increase loads over sets
Death by Atlas Stone to Shoulder
Happy Halloween Weekend!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tues 10.23.12
Pause Squat - 5, 5, 3, 3, 2
Stiff Legged Deadlift - 5x3
5 Rounds
250m Row
Max Unbroken KB Swings (1.5/1)
Rest 60 Seconds
Pause Squat Videos
Excellent work, fellas! See you Thursday!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thurs 10.18.12
Bench Press - 3x5
Incline Bench - 5x5
Saving today's workout for another day. Only Reggie today so let him rest up for his upcoming competition this Saturday.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tues 10.16.12
7 Rounds
2 Backsquats
Rest 30 seconds
3 Deadlifts
Rest 90 Seconds
** Begin at a moderate weight and continue increasing weight until round 5.
**Aim for the 5th round to be your top set, then continue that weight for another two rounds.
Car Pushing!!
Video 1 - Brian // Video 2 - Reggie (yes, it's upside down) // Video 3 - Dheeraj
Friday, October 12, 2012
Proof that Each One of Reggie's Reps Looks Like His Last
I apologize for the sideways video.
Top video @ 100, bottom @ 105. Each set from 75 to 105 looked just like these ones.
Thurs 10.11.12
Brian's Birthday Bonanza
10 min Snatch w. Partner (135/95)
Partner L-Sits
Set up two 45lb plates for a target for your feet
- L-Sit for 20 seconds, 10 second transition, partner does 20 sec L-sit, 10 second transition, you L-sit (20 seconds on, 30 seconds rest essentially)
- Continue switching back and forth until your foot touches the plate before 20 seconds is over
- Once you hit failure, drop to 10 seconds on, 5 off
- Keep working until you both reach 8 rounds
10 Rounds3 Power Cleans (205/135)
20 Double Unders
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tues 10.9.12
1 1/4 Squats - 5x3
**Catalyst Athletics tutorial video:
Barbell Lunges - 4x8
GPP: Sled/Sprint
20 min AMRAPPartner 1: 50m sled pull (timer)
Partner 2: 50m sprints (length of tent)
*Partner 1 completes sled and switches with 2, etc.
**Score is total 50m sprints completed
Thurs 10.4.12
Behind the Neck Press 10x2
25m Max Barbell Farmers Walk
Tabata Barbell Curls/Tricep Extensions
+ Max curls burnout set @ end**Alternate exercises each round
Class WorkoutWednesday, October 3, 2012
Tues 10.2.12
Thurs 9.27.12
10 mins HSPU Practice
then alternating with a partner...
5x 7-10 HSPUs
**"Practice" is for something more difficult than your normally do -
Partner work is meant to be quick moving sets.
15 mins Power Snatch Single
3x 1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS
@ 75-80% 1RM Power Snatch-----------------------
6x 200m Sprints
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