Sunday, October 27, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 10

Tues 10.22

Back Squat 10x3 @ 84% 


Sumo Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1 


7 Rounds
7 SDHP (95/65)
7 KB Swings (32/24kg)

Thurs 10.24

Front Squat 6x2 @ 101% 
Picture from "Linda" last Thursday

Pause Bench 4x3
Band Resisted Bench 5x8


400m Sled Sprint (in teams of 3)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 9

Welcome Ash, Kim, and Zach to Strength Club! 

Cool picture of Tuesday's BB complex in action. Nice split, Melinda!

Tues 10.15

Back Squat 10x2 @ 93% 


Barbell Complex: AHAP
Hang Muscle Clean
Push Press
Hang Power Clean
Push Jerk
Hang Clean
Split Jerk

**Progress through one rep each in barbell complex UNBROKEN with maximum weight.

Thurs 10.17

Front Squat 10x3 @ 86% 



Deadlift - 1.5x BW
Bench Press - 1x BW
Clean - 0.75x BW 

Burgener Squat Week 8

Tues 10.8

Back Squat 10x3 @ 81% 


2 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
5 Shuttle Runs 

Rest 1 Minute

4 Clean & Jerks
4 Shuttle Runs

Rest 1 Minute

6 Clean & Jerks
3 Shuttle Runs

Rest 1 Minute

8 Clean & Jerks
2 Shuttle Runs

Rest 1 Minute

10 Clean & Jerks
1 Shuttle Run 

Rest 5 Minutes

3min AMRAP 
Clean & Jerks (135/95)

**Goal is to get 30+ reps! Grace!

Thurs 10.10

Front Squat 6x2 @ 98% 


Behind the Neck Press - find 3RM


Behind the Neck 4x5 @ 85% of 3RM


10x10 Hip Extensions 

Reggie & Sayor w. some intimate trap mobilization ;)  ------->

Friday, October 4, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 7

Tues 10.1

Back Squat 10x2 @ 90% 


10 mins - Partner Incline Bench x 5s

10 mins - Partner Trap Bar Deadlifts x 3s

**Find a partner and warm up to a moderate weight for 5s for incline bench and 3s for deadlifts. Once warm, time starts and you and your partner go back and forth for ten minutes, increasing load of the lifts as you progress. Rest increases and weight increases progressively. Rest while partner performs reps.

Thurs 10.3

Front Squat 10x3 @ 83% 


5 Weighted Dips (scaled = BW)

8 Bent Over Rows
15 sec L-Sit

10 Rounds (not for time)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 6 & Jeni's Birthday Workout!

Tues 9.24

Back Squat 10x3 @ 80% 


Jeni's Birthday Workout

9 Push Jerk (155/105)
22 Pull Ups

Rest 81 seconds

9 OHS (155/105)

Rest 82 seconds

9 Snatches (155/105)
22ft Handstand Walk

Rest 82 seconds

9 Hang Cleans (155/105)
22 Burpees

**These couplets above are intended to be a sprint to a rest. Each barbell movement should be able to be done unbroken (with the exception of quick singles on the snatch).

Thurs 9.26

Front Squat 10x3 @ 95% 

**Theoretically, 92% = 3RM, but this program is assuming you have gotten stronger over the first 5 weeks.


5 Barbell Shrugs
Max Deficit Push Ups
20 Hollow Rocks 

6 Rounds (not for time)