Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thurs 5.23

5 Rounds

10 Sumo Deadlift (225/155)

15 Weighted Hip Extensions (45/35 plate)

Rest 90 seconds


4 Rounds

400m Row

25 Box Jumps

Rest 90 Seconds

Some posterior chain mobilization post workout.

Tues 5.21

 Jeni and Natasha reppin some strict pullups ;)

5 Rounds for Load

8-10 Dumbbell Bench 

5-8 Supine Grip Strict Pullups

8-10 DB Bench

5-8 Pronated Grip Strict Pullups

**Supine is with palms facing you (chin up grip), pronated is overhand grip


10min EMOM

10 Push Ups

10 DB Snatch (alternating)

Thurs 5.16



Snatch Barbell Complex

1 High Hang Snatch

1 Hang Snatch (mid-thigh)

1 Snatch 

**Work up slowly and focus on technique. First snatch from the high hang should be only a 2-3 inch dip with shoulders behind bar - hinge joint in this lift is only the knees slightly forward. Second hang snatch is to mid thigh, so shoulders descend over the bar and travel further down your leg. Last snatch is from the floor. These are all full squats

Clean & Jerk Barbell Complex

1 Hang Power Clean

1 Hang Clean

1 Split Jerk (3 second pause overhead)

**Again, focusing on technique, so add weights conservatively. Hold onto the barbell throughout thsi entire complex. Focus here is making sure that we finish our pull and balance and power in the split stance position we have. The 3 second hold at the end with the bar overhead is to make you cognizant of  your landing and to remember not only jump forward and back, but out.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tues 5.14

5 Rounds

Romanian Deadlift 5-8 Reps

Behind the Neck Press 3-5 Reps

**Rest as needed between movements
**Increase load over rounds



Double KB Swings (2x24kg / 2x16kg)


Tire Flips

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sat 5.11

 Victor and Sayor smashing it on the prowler!

Last Week of...

10x10 Backsquat!


6 Rounds

20m HEAVY Prowler

15 Wall Balls

Thurs 5.9


5 Rounds
Max Reps Bodyweight Bench

Max Reps Pull Ups

**Scale bench to 75% or 50% BW
**Transition straight from bench to pull ups
**Rest as needed between rounds (3-5min) 


Tabata Burpees

Tabata Rowing

Jeni smashing the bench!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tues 5.7

Welcome Steve and Sayor to Strength Club!


 Mitch after the conditioning workout ;)


Overhead Walking Lunge 4x8

**4 reps each leg


Chain Resisted Backsquat 4x3


4 Rounds

8 Front Rack Lunges

10 Backsquats

100m Sprint 







Picture 1) Jeni & Farbod lunging with Steve hitting up the chains
Picture 2) Steve lunging with Reggie hitting up his backsquats
Picture 3) Victor getting down with his last set!


Thurs 5.2

Barbell Complex AHAP:

1 Deadlift

1 Hang Power Clean
1 Thruster

1 Push Jerk 


10min EMOM

5 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Push Press


**Aim to finish work within 35-45 seconds each minute.


Hollow Rocks 3x30  





Jeni PRing her thruster in the complex!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tues 4.30

 Pause Front Squat 4x3

Max effort attempts.
Increase weight with rounds. 


1 1/4 Squat 5x10

Find a weight and stick with it over
the sets. These are about speed and
position, so find a weight that allows
you to keep moving and keep your
chest up and knees out. 


15min AMRAP

Partner A - 50m Light Prowler Push

Partner B - Max Stone to Shoulder

**Team score is total stone to shoulder

"When you look good, you feel good." - Far'bro'

Thurs 4.25


Push Jerk 5, 5, 3, 3, 1

Max Strict Pull Ups + 5 Kipping



DB Thrusters (35/25)

Box Jumps

Natasha getting after a 135 PR!