Friday, August 23, 2013

Burgener Squat Week 1

Tuesday 8.20 

Back Squat 10x3 @ 75% 


6 Rounds
24 Double Unders
12 GHD Sit Ups
6 Power Snatches (135/95)

**P. Sherwood workout


Thursday 8.22

Sots Press - 3x3, 3x2, 3x1
Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3x2, 3x1 


8min EMOM
10 Muscle Snatch (75/55)
10 Hip Extensions


Saturday 8.24

Front Squat 10x3 @ 80% 


8 x 8 sec Sled Pulls (running, not walking)

3 x 200m Sprint
3 x 100m Sprint
4 x 50m Sprint

 Tegan and Reggie rockin' the Sots press.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thurs 8.15

 Above: Carlo and Steve floor press. Below: Jeni's weighted pistol and Brian switching sides.


5x3 Weighted Pistol

5x3 Floor Press 

**Find maxes on this first, and then taper down.


5 Rounds in Teams of Two:

Partner 1 - Car Push 100m

Partner 2 - 15 KB SDHP, 10 KB Swings, 5 KB Push Press 

**In teams of 2, all of the Partner 1s push car while Partner 2s perform KB complex
**When car returns with Partner 1s, switch, and Partner 2s all push car while 1s do KB complex
**Rotate so each partner gets in 5 full rounds

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tues 8.13


Find 3RM Deficit Deadlift 


10 Rounds w. Partner

3 Deficit Deadlifts @ 85% of 3RM

*Back and forth with partner, rest as he/she works and vice versa


10 Rounds

250m Row 

10 Shoulder to Overhead 

*Weight should be difficult but achievable to do all 10 reps unbroken. 

Thurs 8.8



Heaving Snatch Balance Single 


Snatch Pulls -
3 @ 80% of 1RM Snatch
2 @ 85%
2x2 @ 90%2x1 @ 95%2x1 @ 100%2x1 @ 105%



10 Snatches @ 50% of 1RM

10-15 Pull Ups

Rest 1 minute  

10 Snatches @ 60%

10-15 Pull Ups  

Rest 1 minute  

10 Snatches @ 70%

10-15 Pull Ups  

Rest 1 minute

10 Snatches @ 80%

10-15 Pull Ups

**Snatch weight based off of full snatch, not power
**Pick pull up reps so you can finish in one set

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tues 8.6

The crew during the thruster sprint.

Heavy Thruster Single 


5min - every 30 sec

3 Thrusters @ 70% 


5 Rounds

10 KB Deadlifts (32kg/24kg)

10 Push Ups

Rest 90 seconds

5 Rounds

10 DB Squat Cleans (55/35)

10 Box Jumps (30"/24")

Rest 90 seconds 

50 Rounds 

10 DB Push Press (55/35)

10 Burpees

**Workout completed in partners - alternate rounds
**Workout from Crossfit Santa Cruz

Thurs 8.1

10 Rounds for Load

2 Front Squats

5-8 Incline Bench

**Squat weight should be roughly 90% of 1RM throughout sets.
**Increase bench weight progressively with sets, decrease reps.


Max Skullcrushers @ 45lb

Max Skullcrushers @ 65lb

Max Skullcrushers @ 85lb