Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of Apr 27th

Monday - Varied Strength

Sumo Deadlift - 5-5-5


Band Resisted Sumo Deadlift - 10-15-20
@ 40%, 35%, 30%


Wednesday - Varied Strength

Strict Pull Up - 5-5-5-5-5
Bent Over Row - 8-8-8-8-8

*weight the pull ups if needed
*superset the pulls & rows


3 x 30ft Seated Sled Pull


Tuesday & Thursday - Periodized Strength

Russian Squat Program 

Day 1 - 6x2 @ 80%
Day 2 - 6x6 @ 80%
Day 3 - 6x2 @ 80%

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of Apr 20th

Monday - Varied Strength

Anderson Squat - Heaviest Set of 5


Jumping Back Squats 3 x 15-20
@ 25% of 1RM


Wednesday - Varied Strength

6 Sets
DB Bench x 5
Strict Pull Up x 5-10 / Ring Row x 10-15
Rest 2-3 mins

*Bench: 5 count on the way down, 3 sec pause @ chest, lockout
3 x 12 Band Pull Aparts


Tuesday & Thursday - Periodized Strength

Russian Squat Program 

Day 1 - 6x4 @ 80%
Day 2 - 6x2 @ 80%
Day 3 - 6x5 @ 80%

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week of Apr 13th

Monday - Varied Strength

5 Sets
5 Strict Press
10 Push Press
Max Reps Push Ups

*Go immediately from the strict press into the push press - 15 continuous reps
*Aim for push ups to be between 15-20 reps 
*Rest as needed between sets


Wednesday - Varied Strength

DB Row

*Row, Pause 3 seconds at chest, Lower down over 5 seconds, Repeat
*Reps are counted as each arm, so do one side then the other
*Increase weight across the sets


3 x 20 Ring Row


Tuesday & Thursday - Periodized Strength

Russian Squat Program 

Day 1 - 6x2 @ 80%
Day 2 - 6x3 @ 80%
Day 3 - 6x2 @ 80%

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of Apr 6th

Monday - Beginner Strength

Deadlift - 5RM


10 min EMOM
3 Band Resisted Deadlifts @ 75% of 5RM


Tuesday - Advanced Strength 

Sumo Deadlift Off Blocks - 2x5, 4x3


Dimel Deadlift 3x20


Thursday - Advanced Strength

1 RM Barbell Box Step Up (24"/20")


8 Sets
3 DB Box Step Ups (each leg, 6 total)
Max Distance Prowler Sprint (6 plates, 4 plates)

*Go immediately from the step ups into the prowler
*Run with the prowler, as soon as it turns into a walk, you are finished
*Rest 3-4 mins between sets