Monday - Varied Strength
5 Sets
5 Strict Press
10 Push Press
Max Reps Push Ups
*Go immediately from the strict press into the push press - 15 continuous reps
*Aim for push ups to be between 15-20 reps
*Rest as needed between sets
Wednesday - Varied Strength
DB Row8-8-5-5-3-3-2-1
*Row, Pause 3 seconds at chest, Lower down over 5 seconds, Repeat
*Reps are counted as each arm, so do one side then the other
*Increase weight across the sets
3 x 20 Ring Row
*Reps are counted as each arm, so do one side then the other
*Increase weight across the sets
3 x 20 Ring Row
Tuesday & Thursday - Periodized Strength
Russian Squat Program
Day 1 - 6x2 @ 80%
Day 2 - 6x3 @ 80%
Day 3 - 6x2 @ 80%
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