Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tues 4.23



Band Resisted Deadlift 5x3

Weighted Ring Dips 5x 5-8

*Perform as a superset.
*Increase dip weight as sets progress.
*You can choose whether or not to increase deadlift weight or stick with one throughout the sets.


8min EMOM

7 Deadlifts (275/185)

Agility Sprint


400m Row SPRINT!!! 






Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thurs 4.18

A pic of some pretty awesome triple extension!

 Back Squat 3x5 @ 75%


Cleans off Blocks 

(above the knee, squat)


5 Rounds

5 Hang Power Cleans @ 75%

Shuttle Run

Rest 60 Seconds

Friday, April 12, 2013

February Powerlifting Split

February Powerlifting Split

The Intensity Cycle

  • Here, we see 3x5, 3x3, 3x1. The main focus here is not volume, but ramping up the intensity. Since we are only doing 3 sets, the first set can be much more aggressive and the goal is to hit a higher number on your last set of 5, 3, and 1 each week than you did from the previous cycle. 
  • Our accessory lifts here are different from before, but the main difference is that we have replaced the main lift of the deadlift with a good morning. 

A Few Words from Jania

  •  I joined Strength Club with a simple goal- get stronger! I have been doing Crossfit for one year and was definitely in better shape than where I started but I kept looking at the Strength Club participants and thinking “I wanna be like THAT.” Initially, I hesitated to join since the other participants seemed waaay above my Crossfit fitness level and the idea of keeping up with them felt impossible. But since joining, I love it. It’s challenging & inspiring. I especially enjoy learning the lifts in a small group at an unrushed/untimed pace. It’s really helpful to me to watch others execute their lifts and try to key in on the rights and wrongs before trying it myself. I also appreciate being able to watch videos taken of our workouts so that I can get a visual of the errors needing correction. I had the mistaken impression that strength club was just a group of people doing an additional WOD to get stronger. Rather the training that we did in Jan & Feb was a powerlifting split where we did variations on lifts that helped us target weaknesses and was programmed specifically with the goal of strength gains. It really worked for me. Within the 3 months I have been in Strength Club I have had 9 PRs which have built me up to a 35lb increase on my deadlift, a 20lb increase on my back squat, 15 lb increase on my front squat, and a 15lb increase on my clean where I felt I had been stuck on the same weight forever.  I’ve also been able to increase my loads in the daily WODs. I am really proud of those accomplishments but I have appreciated other things too. Coach Cheryl called me out on my negative mindset (There’s no way I can lift this! Well, I’ll try but…) and while it is still a weakness I’m working on, I think it’s made a huge difference in how I’ve been able to progress. Also the other athletes have been a great source of motivation and encouragement as they are ALWAYS pushing me and one another to work harder and give it your all. They are awesome, Cheryl is awesome, Strength Club is awesome, it’s been a great experience for me!!

    Jania also has seen gains in her max pullup capacity within workouts and outside of them. Powerlifts not only get you stronger within each lift, but they also transfer well to other movements we have in Crossfit. Learning better positions and body mechanics overall can enable you to greatly increase your fitness!

Thurs 4.11


Tabata Slam Balls


Strict Press 7, 7, 5, 5, 3

Push Press 10, 10, 8, 8, 5


5 Rounds for MAX Reps

15 Seconds: DB Thrusters (45/35)

45 Sec Rest

15 Seconds: Weighted/Strict Pull Ups

45 Sec Rest

15 Seconds: Burpees

**Hit the first set hard and aim to sustain those numbers across all sets

Tues 4.9


20 min 

Odd Minute: 15 Calorie Row

Even Minute: 15 Double KB Swing (24/16kg)


5 Rounds for MAXIMUM 

Max Seconds L-Sit

Max Reps Banded Hip Extensions

**Aim for a total of 5 minutes on L-Sit & 100 Hip Extensions

Monday, April 8, 2013

Saturday 4.6

Backsquat 10 x 10

* First week in 4-5 week progression
* Start conservatively & add 5-10 lbs/week
* Timed rests: 90 sec - 3 minutes (depending upon effort level)


4 Rounds

Team A: Prowler Push 150m

Team B: Max Push Ups

*One person working at a time
* Winning team is most pushups over all rounds

Post-prowler pic. Missing Reg who left early for work!

Thurs 4.4

Badass video here:


Sumo Deadlift - Heavy Triple 


Find 1 RM Turkish Getup 


3 Rounds

5 KB Snatch (R)

10 KB OHS (L)

5 TGU (R)

5 KB Snatch (L)

10 KB OHS (R)

5 TGU (L) 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tues 4.2





5 Rounds Superset:

Dynamic Bench x 8-10

Hang Power Snatch x 3

** Build both the snatch
and bench weight over 5 sets


In Partners:

100 Tire Flips

200m Run 

** Runner is the timer. Switch after each run.
Accumulate 100 between yourselves.

 Before and after...